After a huge and delicious breakfast I continued my track towards Ingolstadt from where I wanted to take the train to Nuremberg visiting a friend.
Anyhow the distance between Offingen and Ingolstadt was longer than expected, that's why I decided to stay in Neuburg for one night. I stayed there at the campside where I had a fabulous view to the chateau of Neuburg.
The next day I only had to make 20 kms distance between Neuburg and Auditown Ingolstadt from where I took the train towards Nuremberg. This time a great person called Heinz drove with me. This guy in the age of 74 drives 3-4 months a year in such a handmade vehicle around Europe enjoying his time.
Arrived in Nuremberg my friend Eckhard took me from the trainstation and drove to his family in Erlangen, where we had a wonderful time together.
Anyhow the distance between Offingen and Ingolstadt was longer than expected, that's why I decided to stay in Neuburg for one night. I stayed there at the campside where I had a fabulous view to the chateau of Neuburg.
The next day I only had to make 20 kms distance between Neuburg and Auditown Ingolstadt from where I took the train towards Nuremberg. This time a great person called Heinz drove with me. This guy in the age of 74 drives 3-4 months a year in such a handmade vehicle around Europe enjoying his time.
Arrived in Nuremberg my friend Eckhard took me from the trainstation and drove to his family in Erlangen, where we had a wonderful time together.
Der Kleine macht es richtig: Papa nix Auto fahren, Papa Sport machen -> dem Auto hinterher joggen! :D