Friday, June 21, 2013

From Bratislava via Hungarian shore passing Mosonmagyarovar and Györ to Esztergom

The following picture is in addition to the day before, where I changed tires from rear to front.

Started from Bratislavait took only 10km to reach the Hungarian border, almost directly behind is Mosonmagyarovar. Mosonmagyarovar is famous for its dental clinics and places where to buy anabolica. Anyhow Mosonmagyarovar is somehow impressive.

Some kms away from Mosonmagyarovar we are doing a botanic lesson: there were magnificant fields of poppy - for the production of poppy seed rolls and between these fields were hemp plants growing.

These trees next to the small road which was part of the EV6 ( The cycle path,was getting now as well more adventure like. One nice impression of the path is shown underneath.

The following pictures were taken in Györ, which is also famous for its impressive buildings - it was horrible to find out this town, but I am getting more and more used to interprete the rare singns and yes I have to say even I am more slower now regarding the roads.

The heat was in addition to the roads also quite special - both lead in the fact that I experience cycling so far here more relaxed and really cool.

The storks were suffering from heat...

That night I slept in the yard of the drinking hole of a village were 200 people live. One guy you can see how he tried to start his moped - a movie of this procedere would have been the fast seller on youtube.

Anyhow, the people were very friendly even conversation included sometime some assumptions. I was sitting together with Gabor who is working in the motor assembly of Audi Hungary. He and all the others in the village seemed to be really happy with their basic way of live.

One interesting issue Gabor told me, was - that he does not agree at all with the political direction of the Orban government who are slandering the Gipsies living in Hungary and even do cover reprisals up to violent carried out from Hungarian Neo Nazies.  => Lets hope that the EU could increase pressure to Orban to change direction of his politics, or even better that Hungarian people will not elect him anymore!

Arrived in Esztergom I firstly checked in in a wonderful quiet and chilly Penzion, where I just decided to stay two nights, as the climbing area, which I will check out today is only 5 kms away called Pilis (

The town itself was also pretty nice especially the amazing cathedral at the top of a small hill was huge and from far away visible.

And yes, why not share another song with you - again from Porcupine Tree. It is called hate song - I am more impressed by the music than the lyrics => so feel free to enjoy it.


  1. Hi Stefan,
    bin dabei bei deiner verrückten Reise durch eine verrückte Welt.

    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spaß und pass auf dich auf in der OSTigen Gegend! Messer schärfen nicht vergessen...

    Grüße aus der Weltstadt Barbelroth von Manuel R.

  2. Interessante Schnappschüsse, Stefan !
    Ungarn hat ja einiges zu bieten - kulturell und botanisch.
    Vielleicht sollte ich da auch mal hin...
    Dir weiterhin alles Gute, viele Späße und viel Sonnenschein !
    LG - die alex
